Oral Surgery
Kandasamy Ganesan
BDS, MDS (OMFS), MFDS RCS (England), FFD RCS (Ireland) Oral Surgery with Oral Medicine, FDS RCPS (Glasgow)
Visiting Professor to Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research (SRIHER), Chennai, India
Consultant Oral Surgeon, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust,
Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Leeds
General Dental Council Registration Number 84896
Welcome to my website. I am a Consultant Oral Surgeon at Southend University Hospital NHS trust . This website is entirely self-designed and managed by myself.
I designed this website to help patients, doctors and dentists to understand the practice of Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine. This website provides information about common oral surgical and oral medical problems including information leaflets and necessary links.
I have also added plenty of educational materials including lectures, demonstration of surgical procedures in the form of line diagrams and videos. But you require granted permission to view..
The 40th Congress of Berufsverband Deutscher Oralchirurgen- Berlin on November 15./16-2024
Over 13 million downloads. With AOMSI editorial team. Happy to have contributed 2 chapters (Trigeminal neuralgia and Maxillary sinus in relation to Oral Surgery) to the this textbook.
Asian OMFS conference- a thought provoking panel discussion on benign Odontogenic Tumours and Cysts by a team of experts.Very good evidence based conclusions on clinical decision making. Well led and teamed up by Dr Shrivalli (Mumbai India),Dr Suvy Manuel (India) Dr Zachary Peacock (USA), and Dr Arunkumar(Chennai, !India)
Plenary session talk presented with a personalised certificate. Certificate with a very cultural touch with thirukural.

OOO Symposium
Cysts of Maxillofacial Skeleton
Neonatal tongue tie- Diagnosis and management
International Webinar